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Industrial paper series
Release date:2023/7/24 0:07:00    views:367656 clicks
Product Description:

Main Brands and Varieties:

Upscale yellow anti-sticking base paper, ordinary yellow/white anti-sticking base paper, bill base paper, cast coating base paper, PE paper, stripping base paper, white kraft paper

Weight Range:


Main Production Subsidiaries:

Shouguang Special Paper Mill, Jiangxi Chenming, Zhanjiang Chenming

Characteristics of Products:

Good evenness, high bursting strength, good surface smoothness, compound and crosscutting performance

Range of Application:

Anti-sticking base paper is mainly used for producing the paper base of stripping paper and anti-sticking paper; cast coating base paper is used for producing adhesive paper or playcard compound paper.

2015 Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Ltd all rights reserved.   Lu ICP 12012947
Telephone:800-918-6818    Fax:0536-2156111
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