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White cardboard series
Release date:2021/10/16 22:10:00    views:419469 clicks
Product Description:

Main Brands and Varieties:

1. White cardboard and Ivory cardboard of ZITAN series and POPLAR series, super high bulk cardboard.
2. Chenming cigarett cardboard
3. Fluid inclusion cardboard, base paper for mugs

Weight Range:


Main Production Subsidiaries:

Shouguang Chenming White Cardboard Mill, Jiangxi Chenming

Characteristics of Products:

1. ①Fix quantity, good thickness uniformity, high stiffness and bulk, good die cutting box performance;
②High whiteness, stable hue, enven and fine coating, good reduction of even and printing dot;
③Stable glossiness, printing product in bright color and strong sense of layer
2. ①Conforming to standard requirements for tabacco materials
②Equiped with coatings, suitable for printing all kinds of upscale cigarette cases
③Good reduction of printing dot, surface strenth and box-shaping, applying to high speed cigarette packing machine
3. ①Smooth and fine paper surface, high folding endurance, in favor of securing bulking without damage;
②Good stiffness, impermeable performance and shaping

Range of Application:

Upscale gift boxes, cosmetic boxes, hang tags, shopping bags, publicity pamphlets and postcard; cigarette package printing of medium and high quality; milk package, beverage package, disposable paper cup, milky tea cup, paper bowl and so on.

2015 Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Ltd all rights reserved.   Lu ICP 12012947
Telephone:800-918-6818    Fax:0536-2156111
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